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This course is archived
Course date
July 5–23, 1999
Application deadline
Course delivery

The course is organised by the Medieval Platonism research group working at the Department of Medieval Studies of the CEU, in co-operation with  the Centre d'Etudes des Religions du Livre in Paris, the De Wulf Mansion Centre in Leuven and the Italian research group Progetto di ricerca interuniversitario “La diffusione dell’eredità classica nell’eta tardoantica e altomedievale. Forme e modi di transmissione”. 
Why this course? 
The course intends to foster a new, polycentric and alternative view on our common Medieval (that is, European) cultural heritage, especially in theology and philosophy, suggesting that various intellectual (that is, theological) centres were all dependent on the koine, the common language of the oikumene, while at the same time they worked out particular, independent solutions to common problems. The course thus offers a complementary aspect of the usual curriculum about late antique and early medieval cultural history (between the fourth and twelfth centuries). The standard approach, as it is taught from secondary school to university courses, concentrates on the cultures which are considered as subsequent focal points of the development of European civilisation, and it tells the story of a gradual westward move of these centres.
Who are we expecting to apply? 
Those young or middle aged researchers, academics, and university lecturers (assistant professors, associate professors) of the region (or from the West) who are working within some aspects of late antiquity, medieval cultural history or philosophy and desire to get acquainted with the latest developments in the historiographical awareness, the interdisciplinary methods and perspectives, or simply with the current state of the art in the research areas outside their narrower fields. Thus, although the course will offer an in depth analysis of the topics dealt with, it will not require more than a very basic previous knowledge of them. (The bibliography serves as a point of orientation). 
Coming from various Eastern European countries the participants will meet international scholars, intimately familiar and sympathetic to their respective smaller cultures and traditions. 
The course will also provide an excellent opportunity to establish contacts with the prospective young researchers, that is, the Nachwuchs of these fields.

Completed CEU Summer University Application Form

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  • You may apply to a maximum of two summer courses. In case of being admitted, you can only attend both if the two courses do not overlap in time.
  • If you applied to CEU before, please use your existing login and password to start a new application. If you do not remember your password from last year click on Forgotten Password. With technical problems, bugs, or errors related to the online application forms please contact the CEU IT Help Desk.
  • Right after login, please select the ”Summer University” radio button from the "Type of course" list, and leave all other fields empty.
  • All application materials must be submitted with the online application form(s). Materials sent by postal mail, electronic mail, or fax are not considered.
  • The maximum allowable file size for upload is 2MB per file and the acceptable file formats are PDF, JPG, and JPEG. Ensure all security features (e.g. passwords and encryption) are removed from the documents before uploading them.
  • Applications cannot be edited after submission. Please submit your application only when it is 100% final and complete.
  • Further user instructions for the online application are included in the form itself. Should you have questions regarding the application form, check the relevant Frequently Asked Questions.
  • Applications submitted after the deadline will be considered on a case-by-case basis.


If you need help or more information during the application process, please feel free to contact the SUN staff via email.


The SUN Office will notify applicants about the selection results in April. Please check the 'Dates and deadlines' section on the relevant course websites for notification deadlines planned earlier or later. The final decision is not open to appeal.