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Course date
July 2–20, 2007
Application deadline
Course delivery

This program forms the introduction to a unique set of training events (lasting between 18 months and three years) that CEU and its partner institutions will host allowing a group of young students at the outset of their careers to become the next generation of teachers and researchers in the broad field of Romany studies.


Roma and other populations known under the umbrella term 'Gypsies' are the largest transnational minority in our continent and represent significant sections of the populations of most if not all the new and the accession member states as well as one of the older states (Spain). They are also, in those countries, massively over-represented among the poor, the unemployed, and the socially excluded. Systematic racial prejudice adds to the legacy of economic and political marginalization. Moreover, virtually no provision is made for the development of teaching and study of Romany issues in the mainstream European academy.

Training content and target audience

We now seek to recruit a wide and disciplinarily diverse group of doctorands. Through this summer school and subsequent events, we will provide you with a thorough introduction to the latest multi-disciplinary approaches to Romany's experience in Europe. While the training for most students will end in July 2008, a small group will be selected for further training in complementary methods to deliver the core training in a third summer school to be held in 2009 for a new generation of doctorands. The first summer school in 2007 held in Budapest, Hungary will comprise training in linguistic, socio-linguistic, historical, anthropological, and sociological approaches to the study of Romany communities in Europe today. It will include a field trip to two Romany communities in Hungary. Teaching staff are recruited from across the European academy. We will also have a cohort of Romany students participating in all the summer school events.

Program structure

The whole program (extending summer 2007-summer 2009) comprises 7 training events of variable duration:

Phase 1: May 2007-July 2008

  • An electronic classroom will also operate throughout this period being used for distance-learning parts of the program.
  • 3-week residential summer course hosted by the Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
  • 1-week residential training for all the original recruits will take place at Babes Bolyai University in Cluj, Romania

Phase 2: Fall 2008

After the 2nd summer school, on the basis of academic assessment of research and teaching potential, a first list of the most talented trainees will be established by the academic management. For those selected for further training, short-term individual visits to personal mentors in the latters' institutions will be provided. Alongside mentoring their doctoral writing we will provide complementary training in lecturing and teaching before making a final 'cut' made of those trainees deemed capable of running the core of the final summer school, under the senior Trainers' supervision.

Phase 3: February - July 2009

The final training session will 'restart the clock' with a new generation of young PhDs but with core parts of the teaching now delivered by the best graduates of our training program.


An EU grant has been awarded to finance participation costs. Applications from all countries are invited on a full scholarship basis.

Selection Policy Based on EU Guidelines

  • Priority will be given to early researchers with up to 4 years of research experience
  • The overall international balance of countries should be ensured, therefore no more than 30% of all the participants in each event may be nationals of the same Member State, Associated State, or third countries (non-EU or Associated countries) collectively.
  • To promote a more equitable balance between men and women in research at least 40 % selection of women should be aimed at.

Completed CEU Summer University Application Form

We strongly advise the use of Google Chrome to enable the full functionality of the form.


  • You may apply to a maximum of two summer courses. In case of being admitted, you can only attend both if the two courses do not overlap in time.
  • If you applied to CEU before, please use your existing login and password to start a new application. If you do not remember your password from last year click on Forgotten Password. With technical problems, bugs, or errors related to the online application forms please contact the CEU IT Help Desk.
  • Right after login, please select the ”Summer University” radio button from the "Type of course" list, and leave all other fields empty.
  • All application materials must be submitted with the online application form(s). Materials sent by postal mail, electronic mail, or fax are not considered.
  • The maximum allowable file size for upload is 2MB per file and the acceptable file formats are PDF, JPG, and JPEG. Ensure all security features (e.g. passwords and encryption) are removed from the documents before uploading them.
  • Applications cannot be edited after submission. Please submit your application only when it is 100% final and complete.
  • Further user instructions for the online application are included in the form itself. Should you have questions regarding the application form, check the relevant Frequently Asked Questions.
  • Applications submitted after the deadline will be considered on a case-by-case basis.


If you need help or more information during the application process, please feel free to contact the SUN staff via email.


The SUN Office will notify applicants about the selection results in April. Please check the 'Dates and deadlines' section on the relevant course websites for notification deadlines planned earlier or later. The final decision is not open to appeal.