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Course date
June 26–July 5, 2013
Application deadline
Course delivery

At a time of well-documented, unavoidable, and continuing global change adaptation has become a key concept in environmental and related social sciences, and also in policy processes on a variety of scales. Many sectors, such as forestry, biodiversity conservation, water management, agriculture, and infrastructure development need information about the current state and future direction of ecosystem conditions, potential ecosystem-based adaptations, and relevant policies and governance mechanisms enabling such adaptations. This is a field of research and practice on the boundary of natural, social, and policy sciences where ecosystem complexity meets the complexity of social systems. The challenge of such collaborations and policy development requires not only navigating through complex issues with high levels of uncertainty in physical and ecological processes but also accounting for the diversity of potential human choices and decisions of multiple stakeholders. Spatial, temporal, and cultural issues are, arguably, the most difficult to account for and manage, and they only add to the overall complexity.

The summer school will combine a blend of theoretical and practical sessions focused on spatial, cultural, and temporal aspects of adaptation and adaptive governance. Both natural and social science streams will be explored, with emphasis on multi- and trans-disciplinary perspectives and the demonstration of policy and management implications. To achieve this, we invited several leading scientists in the field from Europe but also beyond, renowned for their cross-disciplinary research. We will complement this with a selection of participants from different backgrounds and disciplines who have ongoing work in the field of adaptation to global change. The program will provide rich opportunities to connect with adaptation initiatives, with a particular focus being placed on Central and Eastern Europe.

The course participants shall meet the following criteria: 

  • hold positions at a university, research center, consultancy, research-oriented NGO, or an international organization; 
  • have an MSc / MA or PhD degree or equivalent and in the case of an MSc / MA also at least two years of research or/and teaching at the graduate level or be enrolled in PhD studies;
  • have demonstrable achievements in research and/or curriculum development;
  • demonstrate good communication skills in English.

The venue for most sessions will be the main campus of the Central European University (CEU) in the heart of Budapest. The University occupies a block of modern and historical buildings in downtown Pest, a two-minute walk from St. Stephen Cathedral and the Eastern bank of the Danube right across from Castle Hill which has UNESCO’s World Heritage Site designation. Hungary’s Parliament, National Museum, and countless other attractions and restaurants are within minutes of walking distance.
CEU’s main building has been recently renovated and has high-quality facilities and technology. During the school, the participants will have access to CEU’s library, printing/photocopying facilities, e-resources, and campus-wide wireless network. Accommodating can be provided at the CEU Residence and Conference Centre about half an hour's travel from the campus at special summer university rates. 

Completed CEU Summer University Application Form

We strongly advise the use of Google Chrome to enable the full functionality of the form.


  • You may apply to a maximum of two summer courses. In case of being admitted, you can only attend both if the two courses do not overlap in time.
  • If you applied to CEU before, please use your existing login and password to start a new application. If you do not remember your password from last year click on Forgotten Password. With technical problems, bugs, or errors related to the online application forms please contact the CEU IT Help Desk.
  • Right after login, please select the ”Summer University” radio button from the "Type of course" list, and leave all other fields empty.
  • All application materials must be submitted with the online application form(s). Materials sent by postal mail, electronic mail, or fax are not considered.
  • The maximum allowable file size for upload is 2MB per file and the acceptable file formats are PDF, JPG, and JPEG. Ensure all security features (e.g. passwords and encryption) are removed from the documents before uploading them.
  • Applications cannot be edited after submission. Please submit your application only when it is 100% final and complete.
  • Further user instructions for the online application are included in the form itself. Should you have questions regarding the application form, check the relevant Frequently Asked Questions.
  • Applications submitted after the deadline will be considered on a case-by-case basis.


If you need help or more information during the application process, please feel free to contact the SUN staff via email.


The SUN Office will notify applicants about the selection results in April. Please check the 'Dates and deadlines' section on the relevant course websites for notification deadlines planned earlier or later. The final decision is not open to appeal.