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Past Summer University Courses

2002 The United Nations, Civil Society, and the Private Sector: Partnerships for Sustainable Human Security
2002 From Art History to Visual Culture: Studying the Visual after the Cultural Turn
2002 Complex Systems
2002 The Future Role of Cities in a Globalising World: Challenges for new public strategies and innovative urban governance
2002 Consciousness
2002 Global Mappings: Symbolic Geographies Revisited
2002 Environment and Regional Transport Planning
2002 Competition Policy in the Transition: Theory, Implementation and Challenges
2002 People and Nature in Historical Perspective
2002 Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations
2002 Language, Gender, and Society
2002 Ethnic Relations and Democratization in Eastern Europe (Secession, Federalism and Minority Rights)
2002 Education Policy
2002 The Politics of Market Making and Industrial Relations in Europe
2002 Theory and Research in Comparative Sociology
2001 The Future Role of Cities in a Globalising World: Challenges for New Public Strategies and Innovative Urban Governance
2001 The Human Right to Food and Nutrition: Principles and Policies
2001 Contemporary Chinese Nationalism and Transnationalism
2001 Cross-border Indentities - a Narrative Approach to East-West Experiences
2001 Intercultural Citizenship: the South-East European Context
2001 Religious Identity and Religious Syncretism
2001 History and Theory of Art after the Cultural Turn
2001 The Politics of Finance in Emerging Markets
2001 Archives of Political Parties after the Collapse of Communism
2001 Complex Systems
2001 Language and Gender and Society
2001 The United Nations, Civil Society, and the Private Sector in Global Governance
2001 The United Nations, Civil Society, and the Private Sector: Partnership for Sustainable Human Security
2001 Competition Policy in the Transition: Theory, Implementation and Challenges
2001 Digital Literacy for Open Societies
2001 Health Care Law from a Comparative and European Perspective
2001 History and Memory: The Twentieth Century in Retrospect
2001 Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations and Local Financial Management
2001 Managing Conflict and Fostering Democratic Dialogue
2001 Plight of the Gypsies: The Culture and Politics of Ethnic Transformations in Post-Communist Societies
2001 Poverty, Ethnicity and Spatial Change in Eastern and Central Europe
2000 Digital Literacy for Open Societies; Networked Information and Libraries
2000 Emerging from Communism: Russia and China and the New International Order
2000 Gender, Nation and Identity: Cross-Cultural and Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives
2000 Human Rights and Forced Displacement: An Interdisciplinary Approach
2000 Intercultural Citizenship: the South - East European Context
2000 Oriental Religions in Central-Eastern Europe - Religious Multiculturalism and Renaissance
2000 Health Care Law from a Comparative and European Perspective
2000 Cultures of Capitalism in Late Modernity
2000 Law and Economics (Economic Analysis of Law and Regulation)
2000 Resources and Issues for the Study of Medieval Central Europe
2000 Business and Ecology
2000 Changing Trade Unions, Shaping Social Partnership (in co-operation with Cardozo Law School, New York)
2000 Designing and Delivering Public Policies - from Values to Implementation
2000 Innovative Cultural Policies and Cultural Management in Societies in Transition